Monday, 30 March 2015


Easter is coming, I can't wait to spend 4 days away - and enjoy a nice ham... But until then, I have to sort out this body cleansing week.
On the second day I had weak moments...

Well, no question today was a little bit easier, than yesterday. And tomorrow will be even more doable, this what I like in this diet, every day is a bit easier than the previous one, - so it hard but bearable.

Our plans for Easter are like some kind of prize at the end of my journey. I cannot hide, that I am counting down to Friday :-)
But there are also little achievements too. Although this only the second day of my detox week, I can see the difference on my skin: the little spots are disappearing. And I generally feel better, so I am on the right way.

However I was a little bit grumpy today, so I had to apologies to my kids, it happened only around lunch time. Well, lunch today was very light, so it is not a surprise for me, however I should be more patient.

Detox week - day 2 report

I did not have a chance to take a picture of my breakfast. I was so hungry that I had eaten it before I realized what I had done :-) But I am sure you can imagine two slice of whole meal toasts and a cup of natural yoghurt.

For snack I was allowed to eat a portion of fruits. I am not sure what "one portion" means but I had a small pear and an orange. 

Lunch - this was the hardest moment: 1 kiwi, ice salad with celery and carrots. Now, you understand my grumpiness after this...

Fortunately a pot of yoghurt for snack compensate the salad a little bit. And my sin happened here in the form of 4-5 cashew nuts. Well, I forgave to my self for this.

My dinner - again, I was so fast to eat it, that there is no photo. It was 5 tablespoon home made granola and 5 tbsp orange juice. It filled me up, so I am okay until tomorrow, when I can have some beans and one boiled potato with my salad, so hopefully I won't be grumpy again. 

I have to say that salad has never been so popular among my family members than now. They had a nice fish pie for lunch - no portion limitation, no fasting - and then they all wanted my miserly salad... 
I usually do not mind - indeed, I am happy that they want to taste greens, but now... every bite counts :-)

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