Thursday, 5 February 2015


Weight loss recipes
Wake-up smoothie
The best gadget what we bought last year is the smoothie maker. I am so glad that we invested into this little machine, as I cannot imagine a quicker and healthier snack in a busy mums life than a delicious smoothie.
I have put together our favourite recipes on a card to hang next to the smoothie blender in the kitchen and I thought I share this with you.

I am usually against any new kitchen appliances as they just occupy the worktop and - although they all seem very handy and necessary when we buy them, - but we actually rarely use them. But this is different now.
When I bought it my original plan was to replace my husband's little chocolate bar snacks with smoothie. And it worked! He was hooked straight away. I expected him to make banana-chocolate kind of smoothies, but surprisingly the Red detox smoothie is his favourite.

I have so many reason to love our smoothie maker:

- It is so quick to put together a smoothie for your self - even if you are in hurry. You can make it in advance and take the bottle with you.

- You can enjoy it even on the go - but really: in the middle of the play group, on the bus, in the park...

- The children seeing us to drink these fancy coloured smoothies are enthusiastic to try new tastes. So easy to give them fruit and vegetable this way.
- A good smoothie can fill you up and give you energy. Perfect in weight loss diet.

- It can soothe your cravings for some sweet. Again: it helps you to eat healthy and to lose weight.

- It depends on the ingredients, but it can give 1 or 2 of your 5-a-day.

- It helps you to be healthy, and also speed up recovery from bugs.

- Smoothies are delicious and variable. Actually smoothie can prove the most that health-concious diet can be very much enjoyable.

- And the additional bonus for me: it does not pile up dirty dishes. Bottles are dishwasher-safe and there is only part what needs cleaning: the blades. But they can be rinsed easily. hurray. Plus the whole blender is small. as we use it at least twice a day, I think, it has deserved it's place on the worktop :-)

If you are curious about the smoothie-maker itself, you can find it on the list of 9 ESSENTIAL EQUIPMENT TO SET OFF YOUR HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.

Weight loss recipes

And now the recipes:

Wake-up immune system booster

1 orange (peeled and roughly chopped)
1 small banana or a few slices of mango
1 tbps flax seed grounded or 1 tbsp chia seeds or 1 tbsp Omega-3 booster (see recipe below)
200 ml apple juice
1 slice of fresh ginger
1/2 tbsp ground cinnamon

The best source of Omega-3 fatty acids are oily fish - like mackerel, salmon, sardines. So make sure you include them once-twice into your weekly diet. But Flax seeds - lust like chia seeds - are a valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids.


Red detox smoothie

1 small or 1/2 big cooked beetroot (the pre-packed cooked organic beetroot from supermarket is perfect)
1 medium carrot (peeled and roughly chopped)
handful of fresh or frozen spinach
200 ml apple juice or 200 ml water and 1 small apple (cored and diced)

High fibre smoothie

1 tbsp wheat bran 
2 figs or 4-5 soft prunes
4 tbsp plain yoghurt
150 ml water

High protein morning starter

200 ml almond milk
1 serving protein powder (whey or soya protein drink powder like this. Neutral or chocolate flavour)
1/2 banana
50 ml natural live yoghurt
1 tsp flax seed grounded or chia seeds or omega-3 booster

Be Happy drink

1 tbsp ground almond
100 g stoned dates 
350 ml water or rice milk
1 tsp ground ginger

Antioxidant bomb

1 handful of blueberries or blackberries
1 handful of spinach or kale or mix of the two
1 tsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp natural live yoghurt
200 ml water

Autumn immune system booster vegetable drink

150 g fresh ripe tomatoes (chopped)
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
2 tbsp Worchester-sauce
1 tsp soya sauce
salt -optional
pinch of cayenne pepper
2 spring of fresh thyme

Vegetable soup for strong immune system

1 tomato (chopped)
1/4 cucumber (peeled, sliced)
1 spring onion
1/2 gloves of garlic
50 ml tomato juice
pinch of chilli powder
optional: 1 tbsp fresh dill

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