Since my detox week, I slowed down posting here on YUMMY MUMMY DIY, because...
Since my detox week, I slowed down posting here on YUMMY MUMMY DIY, because... I have been busy to prepare a surprise for you.
In my previous post END OF A WEIGHT LOSS DIET? I said that I do not want to kill my blog just because I do not need to lose any more weight. I seriously think that I still have lots of experience to share and lots of subject to discuss with you. So I keep posting here. As I explained in the above post - where the weight loss diet ends there the weight maintenance starts.
And this means that there are new experiences and adventures waiting for me and you.
I felt that other subjects like meal planning for families, food education and practical, quick family recipes exceed the limits of this blog, so I was looking for a new platform. And..
I took a big breath and launched my very own website.
Here it is:
Go Mummy Healthy - gomummyhealthy.com
I am still developing the web page and working out the ideas. However, I think it is ready to show you and ask you to help me.
Please, come, have a look and give me a feedback.
You can leave a comment below, or you can send me a private message here: e-mail me.
It also would be very much appreciated if you shared with me the most important challenges of your life regarding food and family nutrition.
Please, help by answering these two questions below. Thank you for your time :-)
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