Wednesday, 18 March 2015


There are 4 absolutely everyday ingredients what can help to boost our immune system, help our bodies to get rid of waste, clean our skin and help us to lose weight.
They are surely there on your cupboard shelves.
What are they?

Whenever I have been on a weight loss diet I remembered these "magic" ingredients. But they are useful not just at weight loss but help us to detox our body. So they should be part of your diet all the time.
So the spotlight is on these four - absolutely guilt-free - basic ingredients now:

Healthy meals

#1 Cinnamon

Cinnamon for me means luxury and indulgence. This warm brown spice remind me that not every delicious taste comes loaded with calories. The smell of cinnamon already warm me up, I love it when it fill up our house - and not just in winter!
Cinnamon equals dessert for me, it also raises savoury meals to a higher level though. Cinnamon can make us feel satiety and mimic sweetness - this way helps us to cut back sugar.

The best part that cinnamon comes with healthy benefits too.
Health benefits of cinnamon:

  • can help fight against bacterial and fungal infections
  • helps to control blood sugar level, and therefore it can help Type 2 diabetics
  • as cinnamon is one of the top seven anti-oxidants, it may reduce the risk of cancer
  • increases the blood circulation and boos metabolism, so it is really helpful in weight loss
  • alleviates the symptoms of IBS
Note: Cinnamon contain coumarin what in high doses can cause liver damage for some people. Always use small quantities and preferably choose Ceylon Cinnamon as this contain less coumarin than the Cassia Cinnamon found in the supermarkets.

Healthy meals

#2 Ginger

I had to learn to love ginger. I used dried ground ginger for years, when I started my flirt with the root ginger. And what a difference! Okay it is not the most attractive veg on the vegetable aisle but when you cut it up... It's smell reminds me a luxury perfume. Ginger is - like cinnamon - for me belongs to the world of cakes and desserts, but it is important component of the Asian cuisine, so a little piece of ginger always sits in my fruit bowl (like a crown on the of the fruit pile :-)))
Earlier I shared an exciting ginger and apple tea recipe in this post, what is my best cure for flu and cold. Ginger is also a brilliant and exciting part component of smoothies, and drinks.

Why is ginger so good for us?

Health benefits of ginger
  • improves the circulation and this way help our body to get rid of waste
  • boost the immune system, paired with Vitamin C it is an affective help to fight colds and chills
  • help to overcome nausea, motion and morning sickness
  • may alleviate symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
  • can be used for flatulence and bloating
  • also alleviate water retention

Healthy meals

#3 Mustard

Would you think that mustard is a must in a weight loss diet? It is a modest little condiment on the table, but with a magic power. There are so many kind of mustard from very hot to really mild that you surely find something one what you like. Just do not forget to check the sugar (or honey) content. You can also make your own mustard, this going to be my next project :-)

Why is mustard good for us?
Because it has got unique healing properties. It is a high in selenium and manganese, packed with phytonutrients and B complex vitamins (like niacin, thiamine and riboflavin), and rich in antioxidants.

Health benefits of mustard:

  • speeding up metabolism leading to weight loss
  • lowers cholesterol, protects the arteries from atherosclerosis
  • by it's phytonutrients content it protects against gastrointestinal cancer
  • high in B complex vitamins and minerals, improves immunity 
  • as it is high in sulphur, it has anti fungal and anti bacterial properties which help to fight skin infections
  • Helps reduce constipation
I like to use mustard instead of butter in my sandwiches, but I love it in salad dressings, marinades,  and stews.

Healthy meals

#4 Horseradish

Horseradish is a relative of mustard and wasabi. It is an obligatory companion of steaks and cold buffets as a condiment. Horseradish itself is very low in calories, but it not the case of Horseradish cream/sauce what contains added sugar and oil.  So it is worth the nutritional information on the label before you choose a product. 

Why is horseradish so important in our diet? Because it can stimulate feelings of satiety, so basically help us to avoid overeating. It is also high in fibre and rich in protein. It's vitamin C content is also impressive. It is packed with vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, one of this last one give it the distinctive, pungent odour.

Health benefits of horseradish:
  • aid weight loss, 
  • stimulate healthy digestion,
  • lower blood pressure, 
  • improve immune system health,  promote heart health,
  • can prevent cancer due to its extremely high levels of glucosinolates
  • ease any digestive issues and regulate bowel movements
So it worth to spread horseradish on sandwiches and small bites, add to salad dressings and sauces or mix it into mash or stews.

Note: These spices and condiments are usually consumed in small quantities, make sure you do not exceed the recommended amount, as in large quantities they can damage your health.

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