A recent research found that children whose parents spent more time preparing food, are more likely to make healthier choice when they are without parental supervision.
In the research 4-6 years old children were allowed to eat as much of any of the foods presented in a lab. Their parents were not present and they were not given any instruction or influenced on any way. Children whose parents spend more time cooking were more likely to choose healthier foods like grapefruit or broccoli.
You can find the summary of the research here.
Most of the parents think that cooking is boring, time consuming and takes away time from their children. Not necessarily. Cooking can be a rewarding activity and fun - for the whole family. Children are keen to involve cooking and there are always phases in food preparation what they can do. With some caution and permanent supervision dinner making can be a quality time for the whole family.
This is a really good news as this means that parents have influence on their children's eating habits. Food preferences develop in the first 4-7 years, so it is really important for parents to provide healthy meals and good example to their kids. The eating habits, the taste preferences and adult's examples will stay with kids in their whole life. These can secure that they stay healthy and have a healthy relationship with food.
What are the most important points?
Everything starts here. Your children are watching you and they know from very early ages what are the "shopping trolley rules". Can we buy what ever we wish for without limit, without planning and without inspect the items before putting them into the trolley? Start here to teach them what is healthy. And never pacify a child crying for something in the shop with a lolly or crisps as a bribe. Just do not care what others think of you when there is a tantrum. If you do it once, you have to do it at every shopping as tantrum will one of your child's best weapon to get something what he/she wants.
Most of the parents think that cooking is boring, time consuming and takes away time from their children. Not necessarily. Cooking can be a rewarding activity and fun - for the whole family. Children are keen to involve cooking and there are always phases in food preparation what they can do. With some caution and permanent supervision dinner making can be a quality time for the whole family.
More about benefits of cooking with kids here.
Regular meals and eating together as a family are very important. Specially having breakfast gives a good foundation of healthy eating habits as this secure that children will not turn to junk food later in the day and they will keep healthy portion sizes as their metabolism is balanced through out the day.
You can find a delicious breakfast loaf recipe here, a big family favourite
and home made granola recipes here to make your mornings easier
Having dinner together regularly is also helps to establish healthy eating patterns, specially if children can involve in preparing dinner.
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