Wednesday, 18 June 2014


I think, it is time to give you an update how my weight loss plan is going.

First achievements

The plan is to lose 8 kg. On the detox week I lost about 2 kg (4 lb) what is not much, but this was not the goal of my detox plan anyway. And the good news that I have lost other 2 kg since then. Which means I can fit into a couple of my old jeans. This is a big hurray. The down side is that I look ridiculous in most of them as I still have a big tummy. And to be honest they are not very comfy either. BUT all extra size clothes went into the bin. They are the past, and they are too big now anyway. The present is that my "normal" clothes are too tight. Can you follow me? When I wear my normal size - but at the moment too tight jeans - I  am ceaselessly remembered that I haven't reached my goal. So I have to keep it up. This is my very harsh but effective self-motivation.

And not just the kilos

The result of my jogging is visible. I sweat on my treadmill three times a week and I usually run about 6 km. It is hard to get up in the morning and do it but I am strict, no excuses. Unfortunately I forgot to measure my waist circumference before starting. But there is obvious sign of my shaping: I wear my old belt with jeans (on the picture). First I hardly could hook it in the second hole, now I am at the fourth hole. Back to the old belt. I have inspected my belt again, and no doubt I used the 5th and 6th hole in the old times. There are still room for improvement. If you are watching only the scale it can be disappointing and misleading. When you start working out the scale moves very slowly - if it moves at all. The reason is that the amount of fat is decreasing but muscles are developing and muscles are heavier than fat. So getting into shape is important too. So many people give up at this point saying "I work so hard and no result, it is not for me..." So do not give up, just keep going. Concentrate on the signs what your body sends you. You feel lighter, more energized, your mood is better, you feel generally better. Try to enjoy exercising. And the result will come.

Hazard watching

Well, I am saying this first of all for myself, as the hazards are gathering in the way of my plans too. I caught a terrible flu a couple of days ago (thanks to my toddler's nursery collection of gems), and I had to cancel two work outs too. Now I am recovering and I go back to my usual routine tomorrow. But when you stop doing a new habit - well there is the risk that you just stuck in this state and never go ahead.
The other hazard is the diet, I just caught myself eating more carbohydrates (bread, pasta, potatoes) and less protein. This is because I have been sooo busy. Well, we all know this is just an excuse, so I am concentrating on my weekly meal plan now and sort this out. No moaning.


My on-line diet buddy has disappeared, so I am just myself now.
What keeps me going:
  • Motivation 1. I promised to myself a beautiful dress.  Probably a daring red one (and probably a green one too). But I must be slim, before I buy it (them). I really would like a very stylish piece into my wardrobe so I am going to buy an expensive dress. I know that a pretty women is stylish even in a sack dress, but I need this reward, I am just deserving it. So new dress shopping is scheduled for end of July - beginning of August latest. 

  • Motivation 2. Other motivation is that we are going to see the entire extended family this August, and I just want to show them, that after two pregnancy I am still attractive. I would hate those "forgiving" comments from relatives "you know, understandable, after two kinds she can have that extra weight..."
  • And motivation 3.: I announced to the whole word in this blog, that I can do it and it is possible loose weight without any fad diet. So no way I would stop here :-)

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